Reunion's Organizing Committee

Hi folks,

Introducing this year's (2009) Meenakshi Amma Family Reunion Organizing Committee:-
1. Sukanthi Krishnan (Chairperson)
2. Sheela Inthiran (Secretary)
3. Prema Parameswaran
4. Sarala Krishnan
5. Laxmy Krishnan
6. Subasiny Krishnan
7. Bhama Bhaskaran
8. Vishalini Kunchee Kannan
9. Mishalini Surendaran

These are the GIRLS behind the scene who are planning for a ROCKING Reunion for all of us. Take note: These 9 people mentioned above are the ones you're going to look for throughout the event at Kayns Resort. In case of any assistance needed, simply call them out!

*Let's Celebrate Our Roots!*


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